11 Temmuz, 2009


G. Willow Wilson: What is your take on Rimbaud Syndrome–that feeling that all the deeply personal and artistically ground-breaking work one ever creates is a by-product of youth, and that once it is used up there’s no going back?

Peter Milligan: I certainly think that this is a common feeling. And I think that a lot of our present culture is built around that notion. I myself remember being miserable at 19, being aware that Rimbaud pretty much chucked the whole thing in around that age. In truth I think that youth produces a certain kind of take on life, a certain fire that you probably never quite regain, but as the first flush of youth passes experience brings other qualities (though not necessarily). This is of course a gross generalization. Sometimes that youthful fire doesn’t produce anything deeply personal or anything groundbreaking – it just burns down a lot of houses and is incredibly conservative, desperate to be part of the herd. As the Germans say: Jugend Hat Keine Tugend. Youth has no virtue. Which is probably a bit harsh, but that’s the Germans for you.

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